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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Glenn Beck lauds Palin!
This is probably one of the most eloquent commentaries that I have heard regarding Gov. Palin and her newborn son, Trig. I just heard about it today, but it aired last Wednesday on CNN's Glenn Beck Program. Mr. Beck really outdid himself here.... and yes, he did briefly mention VP speculation.
I'm working on a column of my own regarding the impact of Trig's arrival on our movement (overwhelmingly positive), and I hope to have that published soon.
Friday, April 25, 2008
McCain's Blogger Conference Call
I had the honor of sitting in on a bloggers-only conference call with Senator John McCain this morning. So, I figured that I would briefly deviate from the veepstakes in order to share some of the high points with you.
The most refreshing thing about the call was the Senator's choice to use his opening remarks to address economic issues. He led off by mentioning his ongoing tour through Appalachia, noting that he was in the same place where Lyndon Johnson announced his "war on poverty". He then went on to explain why Johnson failed in his effort: issues like poverty are solved at the local level, not by bureaucrats in Washington D.C. Senator McCain also stated that if you want higher taxes, he is not your candidate, citing the need to lower the capital gains tax and his plan for a summer holiday from gasoline taxes. I know that many hard-core economic conservatives and libertarians read this blog and support Gov. Palin, and I'm sure that these words coming from John McCain would be music to their ears. I personally was elated to hear McCain discuss these issues with such competence and conviction. Bravo, Senator!
Among other things, McCain also stated his desire to be competitive in the State of California this November and addressed Barack Obama's association with former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers. Specifically, he expressed his outrage at Obama's equivocation of Ayers' actions with the political activities of Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK).
There is much, much more I could say, but in the interest of time I will digress. I would very much like to thank the McCain campaign for allowing me to participate, and I look forward to doing so again in the future (maybe next time I'll be able to actually ask a question).
On Sunday, I will be returning to my traditional all-Palin-all-the-time format with a column on the Governor's recently acquired status as the pro-life movement's newest hero.
Thanks for reading,
Adam Brickley
The most refreshing thing about the call was the Senator's choice to use his opening remarks to address economic issues. He led off by mentioning his ongoing tour through Appalachia, noting that he was in the same place where Lyndon Johnson announced his "war on poverty". He then went on to explain why Johnson failed in his effort: issues like poverty are solved at the local level, not by bureaucrats in Washington D.C. Senator McCain also stated that if you want higher taxes, he is not your candidate, citing the need to lower the capital gains tax and his plan for a summer holiday from gasoline taxes. I know that many hard-core economic conservatives and libertarians read this blog and support Gov. Palin, and I'm sure that these words coming from John McCain would be music to their ears. I personally was elated to hear McCain discuss these issues with such competence and conviction. Bravo, Senator!
Among other things, McCain also stated his desire to be competitive in the State of California this November and addressed Barack Obama's association with former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers. Specifically, he expressed his outrage at Obama's equivocation of Ayers' actions with the political activities of Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK).
There is much, much more I could say, but in the interest of time I will digress. I would very much like to thank the McCain campaign for allowing me to participate, and I look forward to doing so again in the future (maybe next time I'll be able to actually ask a question).
On Sunday, I will be returning to my traditional all-Palin-all-the-time format with a column on the Governor's recently acquired status as the pro-life movement's newest hero.
Thanks for reading,
Adam Brickley
Monday, April 21, 2008
Dem Congresswoman accidentally tells McCain how to win...pick Palin!
I had the chance to see Gov. Palin's taped interview on "To the Contrary" last night, and she knocked it out of the park. Yes, the vice presidency came up, and yes the governor said she would be interested in national office in the future. I'll post a more detailed transcript soon, but for now I'll just give you the highlight of the show:
U.S. House Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), who sat on the shows panel of experts, was absolutely wowed by the Governor and started throwing out lines like, "You better embrace this woman quick!", "That is a VERY attractive candidate!", "She's just what your party needs!", and (my personal favorite) "that was some McCain straight talk you just got from that girl!".
I've always said that the best arguments for a Palin candidacy are the ones made by liberal Democrats, who know that Palin is their worst nightmare. I think we all owe Congresswoman Norton a debt of gratitude for telling us how to wipe the floor with her party in November.
U.S. House Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), who sat on the shows panel of experts, was absolutely wowed by the Governor and started throwing out lines like, "You better embrace this woman quick!", "That is a VERY attractive candidate!", "She's just what your party needs!", and (my personal favorite) "that was some McCain straight talk you just got from that girl!".
I've always said that the best arguments for a Palin candidacy are the ones made by liberal Democrats, who know that Palin is their worst nightmare. I think we all owe Congresswoman Norton a debt of gratitude for telling us how to wipe the floor with her party in November.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Palin on "To the Contrary" today
Obviously, this will probably be a taped interview, considering that the Governor is in the hospital after delivering her son Trig, but she will be appearing on the PBS political program "To the Contrary" to discuss diversity in the Republican Party as well as balancing family and politics. I'm assuming that the Vice Presidency will come up in light of her pregnancy and the Texas hand-raising story. Check your local listings on the program's website, as it airs at different times in different markets.
"To the Contrary", is devoted to "stories relevant to women, families, and communities of color" an this weeks panelists include U.S. House Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), Genevieve Wood of the Heritage Foundation, Ruth Conniff of The Progressive Magazine, and Tara Wall of the Washington Times. Palin is listed as a topic rather than a guest, but the fact that is says "Sarah Palin...on balancing family and political life" leads me to believe that the governor will be appearing in some capacity (maybe a brief interview).
I will be posting on this tommorrow as my local station does not air the program until midnight.
"To the Contrary", is devoted to "stories relevant to women, families, and communities of color" an this weeks panelists include U.S. House Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), Genevieve Wood of the Heritage Foundation, Ruth Conniff of The Progressive Magazine, and Tara Wall of the Washington Times. Palin is listed as a topic rather than a guest, but the fact that is says "Sarah Palin...on balancing family and political life" leads me to believe that the governor will be appearing in some capacity (maybe a brief interview).
I will be posting on this tommorrow as my local station does not air the program until midnight.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Baby Palin makes surprise arrival!!
Trig Paxson Van Palin
Born 6:30 AM, April 18th, 2008
6 pounds, 2 ounces
Trig was not slated to arrive until May 18th, which makes him exactly one month early. Gov. Palin actually went into labor while in Texas for yesterdays Governors Forum, but flew back to Alaksa to give birth at the Mat-Su Valley Regional Medical Center. The Palin family issued the following statement:
"Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives.
"We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed"
No word yet on what those challenges are or where the name Trig came from. I will report more details as soon as they are released.
Congratulations to the Governor and her family!
Click here to read the full news story
Born 6:30 AM, April 18th, 2008
6 pounds, 2 ounces
Trig was not slated to arrive until May 18th, which makes him exactly one month early. Gov. Palin actually went into labor while in Texas for yesterdays Governors Forum, but flew back to Alaksa to give birth at the Mat-Su Valley Regional Medical Center. The Palin family issued the following statement:
"Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives.
"We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed"
No word yet on what those challenges are or where the name Trig came from. I will report more details as soon as they are released.
Congratulations to the Governor and her family!
Click here to read the full news story
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Palin refuses to rule out VP run!
Gov. Palin was in Texas today for a forum hosted by Republican Governor's Association, and she sat on a panel regarding the 2008 election. She was joined by Governors Perry (TX), Gibbons (NV), Lingle (HI), Blunt (MO), and Perdue (GA). Naturally, the subject of the vice presidency came up. The moderator asked for a show of hands from any Governors who would refuse to accept a vice presidential nomination from John McCain, and three hands shot up: Perry, Lingle, and Gibbons.
Gov. Palin did not raise her hand. Hence, we have our first concrete confirmation that she is open to running for Vice-President in 2008.
So, if you thought that the Governor was going to take herself out of the running, think again.
Gov. Palin did not raise her hand. Hence, we have our first concrete confirmation that she is open to running for Vice-President in 2008.
So, if you thought that the Governor was going to take herself out of the running, think again.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Newt Gingrich plugs Palin for VP (twice!)
UPDATE: It turns out that Newt Gingrich has dropped Palin's name more than once! Two days before the Van Susteren interview, he mentioned the Governor as a potential VP on Hannity and Colmes! His quote has been posted below (emphasis added), and be sure to scroll down to for my analysis of Gingirch's remarks. Speaker Gingrich is, without doubt, the highest ranking official to promote Palin as a national candidate, and I am positively ecstatic at reading these quotes!
"There are a number of great people. I think Gov. Pawlenty is a real possibility, a very innovative governor. I think Gov. Sanford may be as innovative as any governor in the country. There are a lot of places that Sen. McCain could go. Frankly, Governor Palin in Alaska may be the most aggressive reformer in the country. And she would be a real wildcard."
Actually, I heard about this a while ago, but had some trouble obtaining a transcript to confirm the quote. I just found one on Newt Gingrich's official website, so I now feel comfortable in announcing it.
On the April 3rd edition of Fox News' On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, The former Speaker of the House was asked about potential running mates for John McCain (specifically Gov. Crist of Florida). In response, Gingrich produced five names in a addition to Crist: Tim Pawlenty, Rob Portman, John Kasich, Mark Sanford, and Sarah Palin. Here's his full quote on the subject (emphasis added):
VAN SUSTEREN: Former Speaker of the House and bestselling author of a book "Real Change" Newt Gingrich joins us live on the phone. Mr. Speaker, Governor Crist did not say "no." I asked him twice. So what do you think? Is he a possibility? Is he a contender?
NEWT GINGRICH: Well, sure, he is. He's a very attractive guy. He delivered Florida to John McCain at a key moment in the nomination process. He's very popular in Florida.
He clearly would have to be on anybody's short list of Republican vice-presidential nominees, and I think that Senator McCain is certainly going to think about him as a possibility.
There are other, I think, very attractive people--Rob Portman and John Kasich. They are both former congressmen from Ohio who could put that state back into play. And I think Governor Pawlenty from Minnesota, who will be hosting the National Convention, is a good reform governor.
I think, at the same time, you've got Mark Sanford down in South Carolina, who's been a very effective reform governor.
I think the long shot, an interesting example, would be Governor Palin of Alaska, who is in some ways the most interesting reformer in the entire country on the Republican side.
One thing about the Speaker's comments struck me as particularly interesting. His quip about Gov. Palin being the GOP's "long shot" and "most interesting reformer" struck me as oddly reminiscent of an article published only eight days earlier by John Gizzi of Human Events, which described the governor as "possibly the most intriguing name in the 'veepstakes'", but said her nomination was "unlikely". Maybe it's just me, but it seems that Sarah Palin is getting a lot of talk as the veepstakes' "most interesting longshot"....and Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee have both proved that the "most interesting longshot" is usually not a longshot at all.
"There are a number of great people. I think Gov. Pawlenty is a real possibility, a very innovative governor. I think Gov. Sanford may be as innovative as any governor in the country. There are a lot of places that Sen. McCain could go. Frankly, Governor Palin in Alaska may be the most aggressive reformer in the country. And she would be a real wildcard."
Actually, I heard about this a while ago, but had some trouble obtaining a transcript to confirm the quote. I just found one on Newt Gingrich's official website, so I now feel comfortable in announcing it.
On the April 3rd edition of Fox News' On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, The former Speaker of the House was asked about potential running mates for John McCain (specifically Gov. Crist of Florida). In response, Gingrich produced five names in a addition to Crist: Tim Pawlenty, Rob Portman, John Kasich, Mark Sanford, and Sarah Palin. Here's his full quote on the subject (emphasis added):
VAN SUSTEREN: Former Speaker of the House and bestselling author of a book "Real Change" Newt Gingrich joins us live on the phone. Mr. Speaker, Governor Crist did not say "no." I asked him twice. So what do you think? Is he a possibility? Is he a contender?
NEWT GINGRICH: Well, sure, he is. He's a very attractive guy. He delivered Florida to John McCain at a key moment in the nomination process. He's very popular in Florida.
He clearly would have to be on anybody's short list of Republican vice-presidential nominees, and I think that Senator McCain is certainly going to think about him as a possibility.
There are other, I think, very attractive people--Rob Portman and John Kasich. They are both former congressmen from Ohio who could put that state back into play. And I think Governor Pawlenty from Minnesota, who will be hosting the National Convention, is a good reform governor.
I think, at the same time, you've got Mark Sanford down in South Carolina, who's been a very effective reform governor.
I think the long shot, an interesting example, would be Governor Palin of Alaska, who is in some ways the most interesting reformer in the entire country on the Republican side.
One thing about the Speaker's comments struck me as particularly interesting. His quip about Gov. Palin being the GOP's "long shot" and "most interesting reformer" struck me as oddly reminiscent of an article published only eight days earlier by John Gizzi of Human Events, which described the governor as "possibly the most intriguing name in the 'veepstakes'", but said her nomination was "unlikely". Maybe it's just me, but it seems that Sarah Palin is getting a lot of talk as the veepstakes' "most interesting longshot"....and Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee have both proved that the "most interesting longshot" is usually not a longshot at all.
Anti-War Blogger: Palin is Democrats' "Worst Nightmare"
The following quotes come from a March 28th column by Ed Tubbs of the anti-war group "Veterans for Common Sense." It is yet another example of the typical liberal reaction to the mention of a McCain-Palin ticket: apoplectic panic. Personally, I think that one of the better arguments for a Palin candidacy is the fact that the universal Democratic response is to cower in fear. While I disagree with parts of his take on the American electorate, I sincerely hope that he is right on one point: his assertion that Gov. Palin is being considered far more seriously than many people will admit.
Beware 42-year-old Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, and face reality: few voters actually cast their ballot based on a thorough study of a candidate’s voting record or enunciated positions on arcane issues. Overwhelmingly, folks vote according to the following indices: (1.) Party affiliation, if the voter is affiliated with a particular party, and (2.) Overall likeability of the candidate.
Meet Governor Palin.
The woman is more than acceptably attractive; physically attractive to men of all ages without being threateningly so to women. She is bright. She is an authoritatively articulate, professionally practiced public speaker. Governor Palin is conservative, through and through. As a governor, she would lay claim to “executive” experience” — a resume item that has been considered important in every presidential election since Nixon; a resume plus that none of the current contenders for the high office can claim. She is the perfect running-mate to carry the heavy water for an aging John McCain.
The Human Events article below suggests Palin’s weakness is the paltry size of electoral votes she would bring to McCain. My take, however, is that the article’s proposition she is not seriously being considered for veep is an attempt to distract and deceive, like the draw play in football. She may only bring Alaska’s three electoral votes, but those are more than overwhelmingly offset by the demographics that her position on the ticket would present as wholly unearned and otherwise unanticipated gifts to the GOP. (For those who do not know, Human Events is the GOP’s ultra Rightwing publication.)
My point here is that those who regard a McCain presidency as too dangerous too think about seriously begin to seriously think about it
Beware 42-year-old Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, and face reality: few voters actually cast their ballot based on a thorough study of a candidate’s voting record or enunciated positions on arcane issues. Overwhelmingly, folks vote according to the following indices: (1.) Party affiliation, if the voter is affiliated with a particular party, and (2.) Overall likeability of the candidate.
Meet Governor Palin.
The woman is more than acceptably attractive; physically attractive to men of all ages without being threateningly so to women. She is bright. She is an authoritatively articulate, professionally practiced public speaker. Governor Palin is conservative, through and through. As a governor, she would lay claim to “executive” experience” — a resume item that has been considered important in every presidential election since Nixon; a resume plus that none of the current contenders for the high office can claim. She is the perfect running-mate to carry the heavy water for an aging John McCain.
The Human Events article below suggests Palin’s weakness is the paltry size of electoral votes she would bring to McCain. My take, however, is that the article’s proposition she is not seriously being considered for veep is an attempt to distract and deceive, like the draw play in football. She may only bring Alaska’s three electoral votes, but those are more than overwhelmingly offset by the demographics that her position on the ticket would present as wholly unearned and otherwise unanticipated gifts to the GOP. (For those who do not know, Human Events is the GOP’s ultra Rightwing publication.)
My point here is that those who regard a McCain presidency as too dangerous too think about seriously begin to seriously think about it
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Budgets. Babies, and Books
Two big news items out of Alaska this week:
1) Return of "Sarah Barracuda": Gov. Palin line-item vetoed two thirds of the states bloated supplemental budget (the one loaded with previously vetoed projects). The governor labeled most of the projects as more appropriate for the 2009 capital budget rather than the 2008 supplemental budget, which is only supposed to be used for projects that absolutely, positively have to be funded immediately.
2) It's a boy! The governor has confirmed that the newest Palin, due to arrive next month, will be of the male variety.
And one update from me:
I have received an advance copy if the upcoming biography "Sarah", and you can expect a review in the next few days. It's absolutely fantastic, and it contains a lot of information which refutes the most common anti-Sarah arguments. For instance, did you know that Gov. Palin is no stranger to campaigning with young children? Or would you have guessed that she has been dealing with (and shredding) the "youth and inexperience" argument for over a decade?
Stay tuned for more exclusive details and quotes.
1) Return of "Sarah Barracuda": Gov. Palin line-item vetoed two thirds of the states bloated supplemental budget (the one loaded with previously vetoed projects). The governor labeled most of the projects as more appropriate for the 2009 capital budget rather than the 2008 supplemental budget, which is only supposed to be used for projects that absolutely, positively have to be funded immediately.
2) It's a boy! The governor has confirmed that the newest Palin, due to arrive next month, will be of the male variety.
And one update from me:
I have received an advance copy if the upcoming biography "Sarah", and you can expect a review in the next few days. It's absolutely fantastic, and it contains a lot of information which refutes the most common anti-Sarah arguments. For instance, did you know that Gov. Palin is no stranger to campaigning with young children? Or would you have guessed that she has been dealing with (and shredding) the "youth and inexperience" argument for over a decade?
Stay tuned for more exclusive details and quotes.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Order your copy of "Sarah" today!

We have some GREAT news! Epicenter Press (an Alaskan publishing house) is rolling out an authorized biography of Governor Palin in May! This could be just the boost we need to gain some momentum as the veepstakes heats up.
The book is titled "Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment Upside Down" , and is written by award-winning Alaskan writer Kaylene Johnson. You can pre-order your hardcover copy ($19.95) at the Epicenter Press website, where you can also read the first chapter.
If you are a blogger, please post about this book. It's a great way to get the governor's name out. If you are not a blogger, please recommend the book to all of your friends.
Disclaimer: This site is in no way affiliated with Epicenter Press.
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