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Friday, April 25, 2008

McCain's Blogger Conference Call

I had the honor of sitting in on a bloggers-only conference call with Senator John McCain this morning. So, I figured that I would briefly deviate from the veepstakes in order to share some of the high points with you.

The most refreshing thing about the call was the Senator's choice to use his opening remarks to address economic issues. He led off by mentioning his ongoing tour through Appalachia, noting that he was in the same place where Lyndon Johnson announced his "war on poverty". He then went on to explain why Johnson failed in his effort: issues like poverty are solved at the local level, not by bureaucrats in Washington D.C. Senator McCain also stated that if you want higher taxes, he is not your candidate, citing the need to lower the capital gains tax and his plan for a summer holiday from gasoline taxes. I know that many hard-core economic conservatives and libertarians read this blog and support Gov. Palin, and I'm sure that these words coming from John McCain would be music to their ears. I personally was elated to hear McCain discuss these issues with such competence and conviction. Bravo, Senator!

Among other things, McCain also stated his desire to be competitive in the State of California this November and addressed Barack Obama's association with former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers. Specifically, he expressed his outrage at Obama's equivocation of Ayers' actions with the political activities of Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK).

There is much, much more I could say, but in the interest of time I will digress. I would very much like to thank the McCain campaign for allowing me to participate, and I look forward to doing so again in the future (maybe next time I'll be able to actually ask a question).

On Sunday, I will be returning to my traditional all-Palin-all-the-time format with a column on the Governor's recently acquired status as the pro-life movement's newest hero.

Thanks for reading,

Adam Brickley

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