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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Budgets. Babies, and Books

Two big news items out of Alaska this week:

1) Return of "Sarah Barracuda": Gov. Palin line-item vetoed two thirds of the states bloated supplemental budget (the one loaded with previously vetoed projects). The governor labeled most of the projects as more appropriate for the 2009 capital budget rather than the 2008 supplemental budget, which is only supposed to be used for projects that absolutely, positively have to be funded immediately.

2) It's a boy! The governor has confirmed that the newest Palin, due to arrive next month, will be of the male variety.

And one update from me:

I have received an advance copy if the upcoming biography "Sarah", and you can expect a review in the next few days. It's absolutely fantastic, and it contains a lot of information which refutes the most common anti-Sarah arguments. For instance, did you know that Gov. Palin is no stranger to campaigning with young children? Or would you have guessed that she has been dealing with (and shredding) the "youth and inexperience" argument for over a decade?

Stay tuned for more exclusive details and quotes.


SMatthewStolte said...

My copy came in the mail today & I'm about half-way through. So far, it reads a little like Ms Johnson just summarized the stories told by the people she interviewed. I would have liked a little more insight into her life.

But we do learn a few important things: she’s a woman of faith, deep integrity, and she plays hurt.

Anonymous said...

I just finished the book yesterday. My review is at