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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Video Message on CQ's "VP Madness" Results

Well, I finally got my first attempt at video-blogging loaded. All of the sites mentioned in the video are linked below. Be sure to spread the word about how how Huckabee "won" the poll. Thanks to all of the Palin supporters who voted!


CQ's wrap-up post by Greg Giroux.

"Huck's Army"

"Hucks Army" message board thread targeting the "VP Madness" finals.

U.S. News & World Report poll targeted by "Huck's Army" (Huckabee at 74%, despite an early lead for Romney)

"Huck's Army" forum thread engineering the U.S. News poll result.


Sam B said...

Well put, and congratulations for having raised Gov. Palin's profile so effectively since you've started this site. I'd barely even heard of her until I came across your site: I'm now a firm Palin supporter. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Mike Huckabee will not be the VP choice. It has already been confirmed by Meghan McCain.

Anonymous said...

Adam, excellent presentation. I continue to watch this closely, trying to get the word around as well, as I share your conviction that both the GOP and America need Governor Palin at this particular time. She is a uniquely talented individual. In that connection, I would go even further than when you say she's a "legitimate contender" by saying she is the MOST FORMIDABLE contender, and, when you say Gov. Palin is "perhaps" McCain's best choice, that she is MOST LIKELY McCain's best choice.

As I've said elsewhere, McCain's selection of Palin should be a "no brainer" and I'm thinking and hoping that Team McCain is already on to this -- in part thanks to your effort.

Anonymous said...

Go Sarah, Go! :-) Adam, great job and thanks again for this site.

Kristofer, I read Meghan's blog regularly and don't ever remember her saying anything like that. But I certainly hope it isn't Huckabee: I'd have difficulty voting for McCain myself if it was.

Anonymous said...

I just heard the most amazing (to me) discussion on FOX News Sunday Roundtable. Amazing because the crux and focus of the entire discussion on McCain's best and most interesting VP pick in terms of favorable attributes/qualifications pointed to none other than Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as being the perfect selection -- YET THEY NEVER ONCE MENTIONED HER NAME -- VIRTUALLY EVERYONE BUT SARAH PALIN.

Am I missing something here? (Or was this intentional -- it seemed very odd because they were essentially describing perfectly a Sarah Palin, yet never mentioned her -- again, everyone BUT her?)

Anonymous said...

Just heard the most amazing (to me) discussion on FOX News Sunday Roundtable. Amazing because the crux, focus and conclusion of the entire discussion on McCain's best and most interesting VP pick in terms of specific favorable attributes, qualifications, needed excitement and "winnability" pointed to none other than Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as being the perfect selection -- YET THEY NEVER ONCE MENTIONED HER!

Am I missing something here? They mentioned virtually everyone BUT Sarah Palin. They mentioned all the female contenders BUT Sarah Palin; they mentioned all the youthful contenders BUT Sarah Palin (even lesser probabilities in both categories).

Am I missing something here? (or was this somehow more than accidental?)

Anonymous said...

She said it in an interviewe. 'that wonthappen,I think he wants to be head of the evangelical movement.'

Anonymous said...

Hello dave j.,

ABC news Meghan on Mike;

Huckabee will not be tapped, as well as the three amigo's at the McCain ranch this weekend. They won't be tapped either. Being invited is the kiss of death.

From this point on, as long as John McCain does not speak about or publically speak to Sarah Palin, she is in the running.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Here you go:

"Sarah Palin Is The One; Our Next Vice President" by RattlerGator

"There's quite a bit of discussion this weekend about John McCain's invite of some prominent Republicans to his Arizona ranch this weekend. I believe that's McCain putting together his campaign team, not previewing candidates for the ... "


Anonymous said...

On Google (but couldn't open the Washington Times):--

"Sarah Palin as McCain's VP
Washington Times, DC - 3 hours ago
... I offer my unsolicited suggestion for his vice president: the first woman — and youngest — governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, who is an unstereotypical ..."

Anonymous said...

Here's the Washington Times Editorial (by Nat Hentoff) link:

Anonymous said...

There are currently 67 posts on the Broder piece in RCP (read thru to the end)

Anonymous said...

Interesting Broder article in the Post this weekend. He said the only time in recent modern history when the press guessed the correct VP pick, was when they picked Agnew, but of course, Nixon leaked it to them. Think about it.

76 - Everyone thoought Reagan or GWB would be VP to Ford.

80 - No one thought reagan would pick GWB because of the nasty primary, so he was not even talked about.

84 - No one even talked about Ferraro being picked by Mondale.

88 - Dan Q.? That was a massive surprise.

92 - Not Al Gore, because he did not run for President, because of his son's accident.

96 - Jack Kemp. Never discussed by the press at all.

2000 - Dick Cheney, head of search team. People talked McCain and Ridge.

So, based on history, Jindal, Romney, Crist, Pawlenty, Portman, etc...none will be selected.

Anonymous said...

At RealClearPolitics, see my (Ted's) comment (#25) on Novak's piece on Dem VP prospect Gov. Sebelius relating to abortion, my comment contrasting Sebelius (Dem's female) to GOP's Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

The other possibility, is that McCain has already selected someone, as he has hired Culvahouse to do the vetting.

This could be a possibility.

Ken said...

I am a member of Huck's Army and I come in peace. It'll be no surprise that Mike Huckabee is my first choice for President and now for VP. Having said that, Sarah Palin is in my top five. I think she is great!

As to the polls, yes, we are organized and want to support our guy. On our site, we have let people know that they should not try to find ways to doctor online polls, so I don't think it is accurate to say that we "hijacked" the poll.

While I understand the comparison to Ron Paul supporters efforts, I don't think that is fair either. RP people had him win poll after poll, but that never translated to increased numbers at the polling booth. However, Huckabee rode a surge out of obscurity to win several states and garner over 4 million votes. There is a lot of support for Mike and his positions. That is not going to change and will only continue to grow because he is a very good communicator, personable, right on the issues, experienced, and a man of conviction.

I will take nothing away from Sarah Palin. She did well in the poll as Adam said and she is a rising star.

As an aside, if she is not already, I hope she will become a supporter of the Fair Tax.

Ken said...

Someone else on Huck's Army pointed out that many of us voted for Palin in the polls, I know I did every time except in the head to head with Huckabee, so many of us helped her do well.

I am not looking for credit, but just to say that many of us have a lot of respect for her and believe that there is a lot of common ground between us.

Adam Brickley, aka "ElephantMan" said...


For the record, I have nothing against Mike Huckabee or HucksArmy. Actually, the VP poll-targeting effort that they've put together is pretty impressive.

The video is not so much a condemnation of your efforts as it is an explanation of why the results look the way they do. It was important that I post it for the benefit of my supporters and the anti-Palin diehards who were trying to interpret the poll as a rejection of Palin by the electorate (which it obviously wasn't).

Anonymous said...

It is in Hucks Army where I first learned about Palin. The more I learned about her and her values, the more I respected her and that is why I voted for her in each round of the poll, except in the final round of Huckabee and Palin. I would love for Huckabee to VP, but it is not my decision to make. But if for some reason McCain did choose Palin, I would be able to support that ticket. In football, just because a team loses, doesn't mean the other team cheated. Hucks Army voted with integrity.

Anonymous said...

I became aware of Palin on the Huck's Army site. She has a good reputation among us Huckabee supporters. Many of us helped her advance in the CQ VP Madness; because she stands firmly for the moral values we hold dear. I'll continue voting for her in the rounds of other polls unless she is opposite Huckabee. Please don't blame us for voting for our first choice in the final round.
Granny T

DF4524544 said...'re saying that Huckabee wouldn't have won if his supporters hadn't voted?

About all that these polls have proven, in my opinion, is that Gov. Palin doesnt have as many online grassroots supporters as Gov. Huckabee does. BTW I am a Huckabee supporter.

Also, while Gov. Huckabee does have a large online and offline grassroots campaign, I believe he is different than Ron Paul in this way: He won many states and millions of votes. Yes he does have a large grassroots organization behind him, but he also has a LARGE block of the general American people.

I do not know too much about Gov. Palin, but what I have heard is good...which seems to be rare among today's Republicans!